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How to transfer Ethereum(ETH ) from Coinbase to Metamask

Coinbase is one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. Designed for beginners, it offers a simple interface that guides users through the sometimes complicated world of crypto. One of the features that make Coinbase so user-friendly is its built-in wallet, which allows users to store their cryptocurrencies on the platform.

However, the native Coinbase wallet is not one of the most common on NFT marketplaces. As such, you are often required to send your Ethereum from Coinbase to another wallet like MetaMask.

Coinbase and Metamask Overview

For many people, their first foray into the world of cryptocurrencies is through Coinbase. This user-friendly exchange offers not only the ability to purchase Bitcoin (BTC), but also provides educational resources to help people learn about the currencies they are investing in. For some people, simply owning the currency is not enough – they want to utilise it in a more interactive way by purchasing non-fungible tokens, or “NFTs”.

In order to do this, you need to move your currency off of the exchange and into a MetaMask wallet. MetaMask simultaneously acts as your login credentials to the marketplace you are looking to purchase from, as well as your wallet. The following guide will show you how to transfer eth from Coinbase to Metamask wallet. By following these 3 steps, you can ensure that your currency is stored securely and that you are ready to start purchasing NFTs.

Transfer ETH from Coinbase to Metamask

Don’t worry, though – this process is actually quite simple. This short guide will break down, step by step, how to send your Ethereum from Coinbase to MetaMask.

  • First, you’ll need to log into your Coinbase account and navigate to the “Send/Receive” page.
  • Next, you’ll enter your MetaMask wallet address in the “Recipient’s Address” field.
  • Finally, you’ll enter the amount of Ethereum you wish to send and hit the “Send Now” button.

That’s it! In just a few easy steps, you’ve successfully transferred your ETH from Coinbase to Metamask.

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